Old People Having Sex With Teens
Interventions should target specific teenage populations, including males, to dissuade them from having sex at a young age and with older partners. Also, prevention efforts should target potential older teenage partners and adult partners of young teenagers.
old people having sex with teens
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Although most teenagers believe that 16 is too young an age at which to have sex, one in four have had intercourse by that age.1 And among sexually experienced teenagers, the youngest are the most likely to report having had an older first sexual partner.2 Sex at a young age and sex with an older partner have been linked with increased risk of unintended teenage pregnancy, childbearing and STDs.3 Furthermore, the combination of early sexual activity and having an older partner may be associated with poor reproductive health outcomes because of teenagers' undeveloped decision- making and negotiation skills and the potential for power imbalances and sexual exploitation by older partners.4
In this article, we use data from males and females interviewed in the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG) to examine teenagers whose sexual debut occurred at a young age with an older partner. We ask the following research questions: What is the prevalence of first sex at a young age with an older partner? What family and individual characteristics are associated with having this type of relationship? Is having sex at a young age, having sex with an older partner or the combination of these behaviors associated with reduced contraceptive use and increased risk of a teenage birth? And are associations between these relationships and reproductive health outcomes due, in part, to characteristics of the teenage-partner relationship? Because partner characteristics differ by gender (and most sexual relationships involve an older male and a younger female),8 we conducted all analyses separately for males and females. A better understanding of the prevalence, correlates and consequences of early sexual activity with older partners will help inform teenage pregnancy and STD prevention efforts.
Extensive research has documented the associations between family and individual factors and early first sexual intercourse. Teenagers whose parents have a low income or low level of education, whose mother gave birth as a teenager, who belong to racial or ethnic minority groups and who have relatively low cognitive ability are more likely than others to have sex at an early age; teenagers who attend religious services relatively frequently are less likely than others to have early sex.9 In addition, females who experience menarche at an early age, those with an older dating partner and those with low educational attainment are more likely than others to engage in sex at an early age.10 The few multivariate studies of factors associated with having an older sexual partner suggest that females who grow up without either biological parent or are Roman Catholic are at increased risk of having sex with an older partner.11
Early age at first sex is associated with poor reproductive health outcomes: Teenagers who have sex at an early age have reduced odds of using contraceptives and increased odds of having multiple sexual partners, and thus are at increased risk of a teenage birth or an STD.12 In addition, having an older sexual partner is associated with reduced and inconsistent use of contraceptives,13 including the condom,14 and a greater risk of teenage pregnancy.15
The poor reproductive health outcomes associated with having first sex at a young age with an older partner may occur partly because these sexual experiences often are coercive or take place within casual relationships. Teenage females who have first sex at an early age and those who have an older sexual partner are more likely than other women to report that these sexual experiences were nonvoluntary and unwanted,16 and these coercive sexual experiences are associated with reduced contraceptive use and greater risk of a teenage birth.17 Also, early sexual debut and having an older partner are associated with casual relationships,18 which are themselves associated with reduced contraceptive use.19
In this article, we examine four hypotheses. First, we hypothesize that both males and females have sexual experiences at a young age with older partners, although a larger proportion of females than of males do so because males are generally older than females in sexual relationships.20 Second, we expect that family and individual socioeconomic disadvantage, racial or ethnic minority status and growing up without two biological parents are associated with having sex at an early age with an older partner. Our third hypothesis is that among both females and males, having early sex and having an older partner are independently associated with reduced contraceptive use and increased risk of a teenage birth, and the combination of the two factors is associated with especially poor reproductive health outcomes. Finally, we expect that young teenagers with older partners experience poor reproductive health outcomes partly because these relationships are often casual or unwanted.
Several family and individual characteristics were associated with women's remaining abstinent until age 18. Having lived with one biological parent and one stepparent or adoptive parent and being black were associated with reduced odds of not having had sex by age 18 (odds ratios, 0.4 and 0.6, respectively); having a mother who had had her first birth as a teenager was marginally significant. Being foreign-born and more frequent religious attendance at age 14 were associated with increased odds of having been abstinent until age 18 (2.2 and 1.2, respectively).
These are the first available nationally representative analyses that provide gender-specific information on sexual relationships between young teenagers and older partners. As hypothesized, and consistent with age differences in relationships among adults,23 a smaller proportion of males than of females reported having sex at a young age with an older partner. Yet, more than one-quarter of sexual experiences occurring before age 16 with a partner three or more years older were among males. This proportion is higher than estimates from the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ), which found that only 5% of statutory rape reports to law enforcement were made by males.24
Consistent with other research, our multivariate analyses indicated that sex in a casual relationship was associated with reduced contraceptive use at first sex for males and females.37 Unwanted first sexual experiences were associated with reduced odds of contraceptive use among females and greater odds of involvement in a teenage birth among males; these findings add to the literature on the associations between poor reproductive health outcomes and coercive relationships.38 And for females, the association between having sex before age 16 and low contraceptive use was attenuated after we included relationship type and wantedness, providing some support for our hypothesis.
**In separate analyses not shown in Table 3, in which the reference category was first sex before age 16 with a similarly aged partner, Hispanic females had elevated odds of having had early sex with a partner five or more years older. In addition, foreign-born females had marginally elevated odds of this outcome.
People can get HPV from sexual contact, including vaginal, oral, and anal sex. Most people infected with HPV don't know they have it because they don't notice any signs or problems. People do not always get genital warts, but the virus is still in their system and could cause damage. This means that people with HPV can pass the infection to others without knowing it.
The vaccine does not protect people against strains of HPV that might have infected them before getting the vaccine. The most effective way to prevent HPV infection is to get vaccinated before having sex for the first time. But even if you have had sex, it's still the best way to protect against strains of the virus that you may not have come in contact with.
Side effects that people get from the HPV vaccine usually are minor. They may include swelling or pain at the injection site, or feeling faint after getting the vaccine. As with other vaccines, there is a rare chance of an allergic reaction.
It can be illegal for two minors to have sex. In some states, having sexual intercourse with someone who is under the age of consent is always treated as statutory rape. In other states, however, there is an exemption to statutory rape for when two people who are close in age have consensual sex.
Teens at high risk for HIV can be prescribed preventive pill once daily with two medicines that are used to treat HIV. Those at high risk include males having male sexual contact; active injection drug users, transgender youth; youth of both genders having sexual partners who are HIV-infected or are injection drug users; youth exchanging sex for drugs or money; or those teens who have had a diagnosis of or request testing for other STIs.
Doctors use combination of several antiretroviral drugs to treat people with HIV, including infants, children and teens. These medicines lower the levels of HIV in the blood to being undetectable and prevent transmission of the virus through sexual contact. They also help prevent transmission of the virus to others.
It's important for your child to take their HIV medications daily, exactly as they are prescribed. This prevents the development of resistance by HIV and associated infections and helps your child's immune system stay strong and healthy. If your child is having a hard time sticking with their treatment, be sure to talk with your doctor. They can help you pinpoint the problems and come up with a new plan to help make it easier.
Your teen may have been exposed to HIV after risky sexual activity, sharing needles, or sexual violence. In these cases, your doctor will consider giving your child post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) with medicines that work against HIV. If PEP is taken within 72 hours after exposure, it's extremely effective in preventing HIV.For teens at high risk for HIV, your doctor can also prescribe a pill with two medicines to be taken daily that can prevent acquiring HIV. Other more long-acting medicines that can prevent acquiring HIV may soon become available.